Building Hadoop clusters review


If you are interested in Hadoop technology probably this is an interesting video course you should evaluate. As you probably know, Apache Hadoop is an open-source software framework for storage and large-scale processing of data-sets on clusters of commodity hardware. All the modules in Hadoop are designed with the assumption that hardware failures are common and thus should be automatically handled in software by the framework.

Talking about the video course, we can divide the content in three main macro-sections:
1. how to create and set up a three machines cluster using Amazon EC2,
2. how to install an Hadoop cluster using Apache Ambari,
3. how to start using Hadoop cluster, in particular with Apache Hadoop User Interface (HUE).

The description of all the topics is clear and well done (Sean Mikha, the author, did a good job). All the relevant topics are always detailed before with an explanation of the logic structure and approach and only after with a demostration on how to do it in practice.

Useful also for other purposes, the creation of the virtual machines on Amazon EC2. The practical description and the step by step creation, is not limited to the server’s creation but is detailed also in what concerns the security and connection using, for example, putty ssh client.

apache hadoopIn my opinion the most relevant value of this video course is on the hidden details of the Hadoop cluster installation process. As you will see if you will decide to follow it, the tasks are quite easy to do (probably this a Sean’s merit) but the configuration details and settings are very important if you want to make it work in practice. Following the hints I’m sure every neophyte will gain days of work and lot of nights in googling. 😉

Enjoy your Hadoop Cluster video course… as usual by Packt Publishing.

Francesco Corti